


  1. 最初に挨拶をして、相手に好印象を与える。
  2. 自分の名前と会社名、部署名、役職名をはっきりと伝える。
  3. 自分の仕事内容や経歴、強みなどを簡潔に紹介する。
  4. 最後に相手との関係を強調して、締めの挨拶をする。


Hello, nice to meet you.

My name is Taro Yamada from ABC Corporation, Marketing Department.

I am in charge of digital marketing and social media strategy.

I have been working for ABC for 3 years, and I have a background in web design and SEO. I am good at creating engaging content and analyzing data.

I am looking forward to working with you on this project.

Thank you for your time and attention.









What is your name and where do you work?

My name is [g-book] and I work at [g-book.org].

OK, that’s a good start. You have introduced your name and your company. Now, let’s move on to the next question.

What is your role and what are your main responsibilities?

My role is [marketing] and my main responsibilities are [manager].

Very good. You have explained your role and your main responsibilities clearly. Now, let’s try to add some details about your work experience and skills. Here is the next question.

How long have you been working in your current role and what are some of the projects or achievements that you are proud of?

I have been working in my current role for … and some of the projects or achievements that I am proud of are…

Excellent. You have given a good overview of your work experience and skills. You have also mentioned some of the projects or achievements that you are proud of. That shows your confidence and enthusiasm. Now, let’s wrap up your self-introduction with a final question.

Why are you interested in working with us and what are your expectations from this collaboration?




  1. メールで使えるフレーズ
    • 件名を明確にする。例:Subject: Request for quotation
    • 宛先を敬称とともに書く。例:Dear Mr. Lee,
    • 用件を簡潔に伝える。例:I am writing to inquire about your products.
    • 依頼や質問を丁寧にする。例:Could you please send me a catalog?
    • 返信の期限や方法を示す。例:Please reply by email by Friday.
    • 結びの言葉を添える。例:Thank you for your cooperation.
    • 署名を忘れない。例:Sincerely, Taro Yamada
  2. 電話で使えるフレーズ
    • 自分の名前と会社名を名乗る。例:Hello, this is Taro Yamada from ABC Corporation.
    • 相手の名前や用件を確認する。例:May I ask who is calling? What can I do for you?
    • 相手の言葉を確認する。例:Could you repeat that, please? Could you spell that, please?
    • 相手に待ってもらうときに断る。例:Could you hold on for a moment, please? I’ll transfer your call.
    • 電話を切るときに礼を言う。例:Thank you for calling. Have a nice day.
  3. 会議で使えるフレーズ
    • 会議を始めるときに挨拶する。例:Good morning, everyone. Thank you for coming.
    • 議題や目的を説明する。例:Today, we are going to discuss the new project.
    • 意見や提案を述べる。例:I think we should … / How about …?
    • 相手の意見に反応する。例:That’s a good point. / I agree with you. / I’m afraid I disagree.
    • 質問や確認をする。例:Do you have any questions? / Does everyone understand?
    • 会議を終わるときにまとめる。例:To sum up, we have decided to … / The next meeting will be on …
